Q1 Accountability: Dev Journey So far

of struggles, success and failures.

Q1 Accountability: Dev Journey So far

The Dev journey takes center stage in my life for Q1. With almost all hours of the day and days of the week being dedicated to it. This has paid off in a way, with several improvements on the technical side of things. I am impressed. However, there's a constant struggle between the frontend/backend vs full-stack learning track. It is tiring but interesting at the same damn time.

The major problem has been that backend is for the strong and the frontend is cumbersome. But obtaining knowledge on both sides has been very helpful. Most failures and struggles have been on the soft skills side of things and will undoubtedly be giving more priority in Q2. Communication and collaboration skills should be prioritized going forward. Also, significant changes have to be made concerning the learning schedule as busy does not always mean productive.

JavaScript concepts such as promises, inheritance, asynchronous programming should be further clarified in Q2. The frontend focus should be Gatsby , Next Js , and React. The use of components-based UI frameworks should also be further embraced as this has significantly helped to build better UIs. Express Js basics are in the bag. Although improvements can be made regarding concepts such as:

  • web workers
  • service workers
  • local storage
  • passport authentication
  • authentication
  • authorization
  • caching
  • sessions/cookies/JWTs.

As they are still out of grasp. They will be the point of focus in Q2.

The CSS skills are now better than they used to be at the beginning of Q1, I owe that to flexbox. Grid-box still needs some calibration, before and after pseudo-elements also require monitoring. Although the infrequent necessity puts a question mark over that.

Should learning still continue as a hybrid of theory and project-based? This will become easier to answer in hindsight, but the result of Q2 will go a long way in adopting the best approach. For now, the routine of learning about a concept deeply and then implementing it in the project (exciting, can't wait to share) will continue.

Generally, I feel great about this Dev thing, I still look up to Chidi Williams , Bakare , Codngr . I still can't differentiate between override developer and polysaccharide patriarch , but it's fine as long as I continue learning from them. Let's cheer for better news in Q2.