Death To Fanboyism : Of Football, React, Tailwind And Elon.

Death To Fanboyism : Of Football, React, Tailwind And Elon.

Technology is so intertwined with everything we do, and in fact, the invasion of modern technology is so aggressive that it begs the question:

Should Technology be fused with everything?

Technology, as we have come to know it wields so much power, so much that comparing it to Thor's hammer won't upset Marvel fanboys. It is powerful; web, AI, Self-driving cars, autonomous drones, and crytography, to mention but a few. Indeed, many will claim this is just the beginning of the tale of the modern human revolution.


On the 15th of May 2021, at about as close to the full-time, as it can be. Ben Chilwell equalized against the Foxes in what has been an openly contested FA Cup Final.

I will save you the emotional rollercoaster and meme-worthy moments caught on camera. Perhaps, what is closely related to the theme of this piece, you would have realized, is the ruling by the Video Assistant Referee. Therefore, while there was a celebration on one side of the camp, the West London Club's fans felt that maybe the VAR could have been more accurate with some pointing out and I quote; "VAR (Technology) has ruined the beautiful game."


Perhaps a less dramatic yet similar emotionally demanding scenario is the case of Elon Musk and the recently monopolistic status he has on the Cryptocurrency market. There have been concerns about how a once decentralized and open system now falls under the control of a meme god whose tweet could dramatically influence cryptocurrency volatility.

While some said this was inevitable (see why), others claimed he was merely playing the game for his gains. And while I totally do not agree or disagree, and possibly going a little too far, some claimed he might be Satoshi.

It was a beautiful day on Tech Twitter as I managed to escape the "HTML is not a programming language" and "Javascript is a poorly designed language" war camps. It, however, comes as a shock to me that someone made an entire blog post on the cons of Tailwind CSS. I agree that I might suffer from bias because of my love for tailwind. But having written a similarly audacious yet unsubstantiated piece on X-State, I do not take the author's claim seriously (others did). But this highlights the toxicity of the entire ecosystem and how technology, itself, cannot contain its mess.

Interestingly, one of the topics listed in the title of this piece is React. But here I am, finding no plan for it in my draft. It was probably because of its popularity that I have decided to include it in my topic, you know, to attract clicks (Hello, clickbait), which begs the question:

Are frameworks developed or backed by the giant corporations adopted because large corporations built them or because of their efficiency?

for context, React is maintained by Facebook.

This guy believes the earlier point, and if you have a minute to spare, you could get him to react by just praising React. (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.). I believe every software "person" should research deeply about the tool they utilize and why it is better than the next available alternative rather than just forming a cult around it.

That will be all. I am on Twitter, this is my Github, and I am currently open to discussing any opportunities around frontend or backend software development. But if you have any other thing you want to talk about, then you should hit me up. See you later.